Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Wednesday 4 August 2010

A cool mid-summer morning; since I have not managed to journal properly, I will see whether blogging is easier with my current life-style. I am finding it very hard to get up in the mornings, making it difficult to do my daily offices, let alone take the time out to write and reflect. In the evenings, there is little space for me alone - the radio is on, Keith, the dogs and the cat want a piece of me, and then by 22:00 I am ready to fall into bed. Not much time or energy for reflection. But I know it is a vicious circle - the less I do, the more tired I get..... But I do usually come to the office or to a computer in the morning. So, writing - at least in the sense of stream of consciousness, if not in the terms of proper reflection and struggle, is possible at these times.
With the beautiful sunshine it is easy to see that I am blessed: I have work, even interesting work albeit almost too much; I have good and trusted friends; I have a husband who certainly is very fond of me and loves me in the only way he knows how; a house, a garden, etc. I have faith. Part of my challenge is to remember to consciously look for God in my everyday life. It is so easy for me to get sucked into life and to forget the essentials; it is also easy to loose perspective that way.
So, I look out of my office window and see the Jura, one of the oldest mountain formations in Europe, and marvel. They have been there since time immemorial, and they will be there long after I am gone. It is in marveling in them that I can wonder at God's majesty and power.